Ford End Church of England Primary School

☰ School Information

School Details

Headteacher:Melissa Taylor

DFES Number:3218




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Main Road
Ford End

Telephone:01245 237209

Fax:01245 237560


Ford End CE VC Primary School is an excellent school and has provided a broad and balanced education for children aged 4 – 11 years in the village of Ford End and its surrounding villages since 1872.

We are a school that prides itself on balancing good academic standards with caring, supportive pastoral care. Our SATs results are at national standard or above and are continuing to improve. In February 2018, Ofsted called our school, “a caring, welcoming school in which pupils develop a sense of security needed to become confident learners” where “pupils are polite, eager and cooperative in their learning.” They praised the fact that pupils, parents and staff are proud to be part of our school with one parent stating that staff, “go above and beyond to care for the children.” Through working with the dynamic LIFE Education Trust and schools in our River Chelmer Partnership, we are continuing to develop our holistic approach which supports the physical, moral and spiritual development of our pupils. We offer a wide range of clubs out of the school day. We are fully committed to the beliefs of LIFE Education Trust: Courageous Optimism, Boundless Creativity and Heartfelt Compassion, which we believe support our Christian foundation and our distinctive Christian ethos and build great learning communities.

Our expectations are high for both pupils and staff and we believe in being aspirational. Our motto is “Hope and a Future” and we aim to give all our children the tools they need to flourish and prosper. Our Vision, “ For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11, support us all in our endeavours to achieve this.

Ford End is a wonderful school with delightful children who are a joy to teach and support, and together with LIFE Education Trust, we will continue to serve our community and give all our children the hope they need for a fulfilled and successful future.

Map to School