Federation of Farnham and Rickling Primary Schools

Bishop's Stortford
☰ School Information

School Details

Headteacher:Mrs Tracey Bratley

DFES Number:3700



Web site:www.federationfarnhamrickling.co.uk

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Farnham Road
Bishop's Stortford
CM23 1HR

Telephone:01279 771339

Fax:01279 771339



We are very proud of our two schools that make up the Federation. They are charming village schools situated in beautiful rural Essex, both with outstanding views of the countryside and both of which form the heart and soul of their respective villages.

Our Schools provide a caring, supportive environment for children to develop a love of learning and respect and understanding for others.

Each child is treated as an individual, with individual needs and abilities, and everyone is encouraged to try to achieve their best and to have high aspirations.

Our schools enable children to become self-confident and resourceful individuals, with a broad and varied skill set, in readiness for the next step of their schooling journey.

The schools share the same vision, values and ethos, which are nurtured in our small school environment.

Our lovely schools are led by our Head Teacher, Mrs Tracey Bratley, who is supported by her dedicated staff and Governing Body

For more information about the school, including our vision and values please visit our school website https://www.federationfarnhamrickling.co.uk/welcome/

Map to School