Katherines Primary Academy and Nursery is a vibrant primary school located in Harlow. Our students exhibit excellent learning behaviors and eagerly embrace the learning opportunities our challenging curriculum presents. We are extremely proud of our academic results which are above National Standards.
Our dedicated staff team, ensure that children's well being and voice are at the heart of what we do. We believe that every child’s learning and development is as individual as they, at Katherines Primary Academy children GROW in our care. Our commitment to each child is that they will leave us as Global citizens, Resilient learners, Outstanding achievers and Well-rounded empowered individuals. This coupled with our '100 things at Katherines' is designed to ensure that we are shaping our children's futures in the most positive way possible. We are confident that our children are equipped to face new challenges in the modern world, ready for their next stage of education in their respective secondary schools and beyond.
Mr Julien Mealey
Head of School
Katherine Primary Academy and Nursery