The Basildon Academies

☰ School Information

School Details

Headteacher:Rebecca Rees

DFES Number:6908




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Wickford Avenue
SS13 3HL

Telephone:01268 498800

Fax:01268 498801


The Basildon Academies is focused upon developing the whole child; our curriculum has been developed to enable our students to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills so that they will become lifelong learners. This includes opportunities for linguistic, mathematical, scientific, technical, human, social, physical and artistic learning so that students make progress in a wide range of subjects.

We set high expectations of all our students and this, in turn, ensures we create a positive climate for learning in which every student can reach their full potential. Our Academy is a calm, orderly and purposeful environment where students enjoy their learning, make good progress and feel safe.

Our Sixth Form is a major part of the academy with the structure modelling itself on developing independent learning skills like those seen in universities which allows students to continue their studies in their specialist subject areas. Students are very much encouraged to become mature adults being engaged in many aspects of the life of the academy which further develops those much needed skills to go on into university or the world of work.

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