Giffards has been a primary school since 2005, with the amalgamation of the previous Infant and Junior schools. We currently have 14 classes with 405 pupils. We are a welcoming, friendly and inclusive primary academy, where we nurture and celebrate the achievements of all of our children. We have a large, experienced team of teachers and LSAs as well as specialist Music and PE staff. This has created a large school. We have invested heavily in ICT; all our classrooms have interactive screens as does our music room. We have an ICT suite with 30 computers plus interactive screen and also every child has access to their own chrome book as well as a set of headphones. All teaching staff have their own laptops which are used for planning and centralisation of information and resources.
Giffards Primary School continues to be a good school. The pupils at Giffards Primary School are walking, talking examples of the school’s values, particularly being caring and respectful. They build warm, supportive relationships with staff - Ofsted March 2022