Job Description
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Associate Member to the Governing Board
At Heathlands C of E Primary School we are looking for an associate member to join our
governing board. You will be a volunteer who makes a vital contribution to the success of the
School governors have three main roles.
Governors ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.The governing board helps to set long-terms plans for the school, decide where improvements need to be made and how to make them.
Governors hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and the effective and efficient performance management of staff. The governing board looks at the quality of education being offered and ensures the head is doing everything possible to improve results.
Governors oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent.
Governors examine budgets and spending proposals to monitor whether the school is getting value for money and ensure the money is spent in the right areas.
At Heathlands, 'Helping Everyone Shine Their Light' is our school vision and underpins allstrategic challenge and decisions made, with the best interest of each and every pupil and staffmember kept in mind at all times. Our core values of Trust, Respect, Enjoyment, Courage andKindness are the bedrock of everything we do, and this is reflected in how we function as agoverning board.
This role may be particularly of interest if you have governance and/or leadership experiencewithin the private sector or experience in finance/accounting. Experience in human resources,data or education are all equally welcome, however we invite applications from anyone who isinterested in helping the school be the best it can be. Full induction training is given andgovernors are encouraged to attend regular training sessions, either in person or online.
We are looking for someone who can attend approximately seven full governing board meetingsper year. One initially online at the beginning of the school year, three full governing boardmeetings are held in school, usually on Tuesday evenings from around 7pm to 9pm. The otherthree are held as part of our Governor Days, usually on a Tuesday morning from 9am to 11am.
The remainder of the day is when we conduct our monitoring visits with staff and pupils, including lunch from the school canteen, and typically end at 3pm.
We are committed to supporting inclusion and welcome applicants of different ethnicities, faith, sexual orientation, gender and abilities. We strive to have a governing board that reflects thediversity within our school community.
You must be 18 or over to apply and all governors must have Disclosure and Barring Service(DBS) checks and may be subject to online checks. If you would like to find out more pleaseemail our Chair of Governors at