Job Description
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Are you a dedicated and experienced English Lead, who can inspire our students and staff to deliver the very best learning opportunities?
We are looking for someone to provide strategic leadership for the development and management of English at our Havering and Thurrock academies.
Our ideal candidate would be an experienced leader who wants to develop their practice engaging KS3 and KS4 children in more dynamic learning and have the ability to work effectively across two sites. You will need to demonstrate the highest quality of teaching, learning and assessment, inspiring our students and sharing your passion for learning.
We are looking for a KS3/4 English Lead who will:
-develop a dynamic English curriculum across KS3/4 to engage all our students
-work with the leadership teams of both academies to develop a shared vision and strategic plan for English
-write and implement coherent and inspiring actions plans around the English curriculum
-demonstrate the highest quality of teaching, learning and assessment
-lead staff in the English department, supporting and challenging them with their performance and providing day-to-day line management
-develop and review syllabuses, resources, schemes of work, marking policies, assessment and teaching and learning strategies in your area of responsibility
-plan and teach interactive, exciting lessons which engage all our KS3 and KS4 students, including those facing barriers to learning and those with social emotional, mental and health needs
-have up-to-date knowledge of KS3/4 English curriculum - teaching GCSE's with confidence and creativity to engage reluctant learners
-share our determination to develop and deliver a broader curriculum for our students
-work closely with colleagues to produce high quality learning resources and plan learning activities
-link lessons to the PHSE curriculum, the world of work, British values, and SMSC where appropriate
-use student data to inform classroom practice and planning
-assess and give students regular feedback in line with the OA marking and feedback policy
-facilitate good progress and positive outcomes - inspire, motivate and challenge our students
-direct the work of other staff in the classroom to maximise their impact on learning
-set expectations and maintain a positive and safe learning environment
-work closely with our headteacher, our staff, parents/carers and our students to deliver our strategic vision and help make our ambitious plans for the academy a reality.
Salary range: Leadership (L1-L5) Outer London Area weighting £53,731 - £58,893
Location: Olive AP Academy Havering and Olive AP Academy - Thurrock
Contract: Full time, Permanent
Start date: April 2025 or sooner if possible
How to apply
To find out more about the role and to apply, please visit or request a job pack from Susie Tyler, Office Manager:
Closing date: 12 midday Monday 24 February 2025
Interview date: Wednesday 26 February 2025
Information about the School
Based in the heart of Thurrock, our academy specialises in alternative provision and supporting the social and emotional educational needs of young people. Olive AP Academy - Thurrock supports up to 94 pupils for whom traditional teaching methods have not worked. Students, ranging in age from 11 to 16, join us following permanent exclusion from a mainstream school or due to having medical needs that prevent them from attending a mainstream setting.
Our academy is a nurturing, inclusive community where students are able to grow and develop. We strive to ensure success for all our learners academically, socially and morally. We build a curriculum around the needs of our students and are proud that our Year 11 students leave with qualifications on par with their mainstream peers and transition into education, training or employment.
Having a working beauty salon, kitchen and hospitality area, construction area, science laboratory and fitness suite onsite allows for a hands-on approach to the curriculum and the development of transferable skills for the future.
Alongside our ever-growing curriculum, we offer our students additional qualifications in non-traditional subjects such as sailing, climbing, extreme mountain biking, bushcraft and first aid.
All students receive therapeutic support and this can range from a set or personalised programme, counselling, speech and language intervention or small group activities around self-worth and wellbeing.
We pride ourself on encouraging positive mental health and wellbeing and are pleased to have received a National Wellbeing Award, which acknowledges the support we provide for staff, students and families.
Working in alternative provision can be challenging, but joining the Olive family is one of the most rewarding and positive career developments you will make. If you have the experience and enthusiasm to support us on our journey, I would love to hear from you.
Thank you for your interest.
Collette Hunnisett
Executive Headteacher