Job Description
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Heathlands CofE Primary School are looking for a SEND LSA for 19.5 Hours a week which will involve flexible work patterns and over the children's lunch period.
To deliver intervention matched to the needs of identified children identified, within groups or individually dependent on need.
To provide pastoral support as directed by the Senior Leadership Team.
Role to include:
Use a good working knowledge of the curriculum to improve outcomes for children by delivering specific time limited interventions.
Use the Trauma Perceptive Practise principles (training offered) to support positive relationships.
Recognise and support the importance of Mental Health needs, including the use of repair and restore.
Maintain planning and resources to enable excellent delivery of interventions.
Liaise closely with classteachers and other LSAs to ensure impact transitions back into classroom.
Ensure appropriate records are maintained and effective.
Maintain behaviour and safeguarding policies.
Be able to work with initative and following direction.
Must have:
Ability to work with flexibility dependent on pupil needs
Recognition that behaviour is a form of communication
Excellent communication skills with staff and needed
A good level of English and Maths
Experience working with pupils identified with SEND
Specific SENd/Pastoral training (for example: Thrive, ELSA, Learning Mentor, ELKAN)