School Details
Headteacher:Gordon Farquhar
DFES Number:5436
Joyce Frankland Academy
Bury Water Lane
Saffron Walden
CB11 3TR
Telephone:01799 540237
Fax:01799 542189
At Joyce Frankland Academy, Newport we:
• Place great importance on our core purpose – learning
• Are confident in our ability to pursue new ideas, take risks, lead by example
• Are proud of the school’s reputation and tradition and understand it is best defended through improvement and renewal
• Build our success on positive relationships based on trust, care and respect
• Work hard to be the best
• Have high expectations and aspirations
• Believe in the importance of community and the individual’s part within it
Joyce Frankland Academy, Newport is a 11 - 18 mixed comprehensive school with approximately 1,000 pupils on roll. The school is one of the oldest schools in Essex, founded in the year of the Armada, 1588. The school currently admits 171 pupils into each year group who are divided into 6 teaching groups. The school is oversubscribed and applications for the current Year 7 totalled 554 for 168 places. There are currently 140 students in the Sixth Form. Around two thirds of Year 11 students stay in the sixth form and a number of students also join the Sixth Form from other local schools.
The school draws on a very wide area for its intake. Pupils come from as far as Cambridgeshire to the north, Royston to the west, Suffolk and Braintree to the east and Harlow, Roydon, Hoddesdon, Epping and Ongar to the south.
Examination results are very important to the school and its students. We also believe that development of personal qualities is just as important. The school therefore offers a wide range of out-of-class activities to promote self-confidence, raise self-esteem, give opportunities for team work and to develop leadership potential. We encourage every pupil to undertake at least one out-of-class activity. The range is enormous and the school has a reputation in particular for its English, Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, sport and music. We are keen to broaden the horizons of our pupils by means of trips and exchanges at home and abroad. In the last year groups of pupils have visited Austria, France, Germany, Holland, India, Italy and South Africa, . The staff at Joyce Frankland Academy are strongly committed to such activities. The school holds the prestigious “International School Award” from the British Council and has recently been awarded Artsmark Gold by the Arts council in recognition of its outstanding provision in the Arts.
Please note that the school operates a non-smoking policy.
The school is set in 34 acres of very attractive, undulating countryside in north west Essex. The village of Newport lies 3 miles south of Saffron Walden and 9 miles north of Bishops Stortford on the B 1383. Communications to the north, towards Cambridge (17 miles away), and to the south, towards Harlow (18 miles away) and London (37 miles away) on the Liverpool Street railway line are good. They are further improved by the M11 which runs to the west of Newport.
The school is in Group 7 and currently has a teaching staff of 65 FTE.
The Academy Leadership Team comprises the Principal, Vice Principal, four Assistant Principals/Directors of Faculty and a Business Manager.
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