Gable Hall School Ortu Federation Ltd

☰ School Information

School Details

Headteacher:Dr Sophina Asong

DFES Number:5439




Southend Road
SS17 8JT

Telephone:01375 671566



About the schools: The Ortu Federation is made up of Ortu Corringham Primary School, Ortu Gable Hall School, Ortu Hassenbrook and the Ortu Stanford and Corringham Sixth Form Centre. Teaching opportunities are available from KS1 to KS5 across the Trust.

We know that helping shape students’ lives and turning aspirations to reality have rewards that include, but transcend academic excellence. At all Ortu Schools, children and young people experience a stimulating, challenging and supportive learning journey through their primary, secondary and post-secondary years. Staff and parents work hard together to create a caring and mutually respectful ethos to prepare students well for the demands of the 21st Century. Our highly personalised curriculum; exceptional extra-curricular opportunities; student leadership culture, and sound attainment make Ortu schools very exciting places in which to learn, work and play. High quality teaching and pastoral care combine to make Ortu schools a truly unique experience. Our staff are committed and determined to uphold and promote the long established high standards, which have ensured that our students progress confidently to college, university and employment, with the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to lead successful, positive and productive lives. Our challenge is to maximise our pupil’s progress. Even with headline figures above national in our secondary schools, we recognise that we still have gains to be made. G.C.S.E results for 2019 showed increases in English, Maths and Science in both secondary schools.

Here is why you should work at the Ortu Federation: We are hardworking and are fully committed to our improvement journey. Staff development is an entitlement; we offer a range of high quality CPD both in house and through the Trust. Significant numbers of staff are able to access leadership training at all levels. Other benefits for all staff include cycle to work and childcare voucher schemes.

Ortu schools are warm, welcoming places to work and relationships throughout the schools are positive. Of course, we know that you enjoy working with young people and want to make a difference to their lives.
Extra-curricular activities, particularly in the Performing Arts, is our strength: sports, drama, music, art, community action, public speaking and enterprise as well as Duke of Edinburgh and Thurrock’s Next Top Boss. We could say a lot more but we think the best way for you to get a feel for what it would be like to work for an Ortu school is to pay us a visit. Lindsay Bayfield, would be happy to arrange for you to talk to students and staff so do give her a call on 01375 400800 The Governing Body is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, and requires all staff and volunteers to demonstrate this commitment in every aspect of their work.

Map to School


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