Brentwood Ursuline Convent High School

☰ School Information

School Details

Headteacher:Dr R J Wilkin

DFES Number:5461




Queen's Road
CM14 4EX

Telephone:01277 227156

Fax:01277 229454


Brentwood Ursuline Convent High School is a Roman Catholic state secondary for girls aged 11-16 with a co-educational Sixth Form, situated in Brentwood, Essex. In 2012 it became an academy; the Bishop, the chair of governors and the Diocesan directors are the trustees.

The school was founded in 1900 by Mother Clare, the first Superior of the Brentwood Ursulines. It was established as two schools – St Philomena’s, for poorer children, and St Mary’s – which merged in 1918. As the school grew, new buildings were added. Brentwood Ursuline Convent High School now has nearly 1,200 pupils, of which 190 are sixth-form students.

Brentwood Ursuline is a successful, happy school which treasures its historic buildings and traditions, but which combines this with recent investment that has enabled us to continue providing an excellent educational environment to both staff and students.

Brentwood Ursuline is a high-achieving, well-regarded and oversubscribed secondary school. In 2019, Key Stage 4 students achieved exceptionally well with 90% of students securing a GCSE grade of 4 or above in both English and Maths and 87% achieving 5 or more GCSE’s at grade 4 or above, Additionally, our Progress 8 score was +1.0, making us the top performing comprehensive school in Essex. Students at KS5 continue to secure excellent outcomes at both A Level and in Level 3 vocational subjects. Students have access to an extensive extra-curricular programme which all staff are encouraged to participate in.

The motto of the school is "Duty" and its mission is to create a Christian environment in which each student can grow in personality, relationships and skill. The school aims to support pupils to reach their full potential, while ensuring that they are pleasing themselves and God.

Ofsted report: “The pupils’ reading, writing and skills in speaking English are of a very high standard; their progress in the subject is outstanding. Standards in mathematics are also high, and the progress made by pupils is good. Leadership and management are outstanding because, since opening as an academy, the headteacher and the senior team have accurately identified the key areas for improvement and taken decisive action to tackle them. Governance has been equally strong; governors have successfully challenged and supported the school to improve.”

Further details of vacancies and the school are available from the Headteacher’s PA, Mrs Freeman, either by email: , telephone number 01277 238005 or via the school’s website

The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff to share their commitment. The successful applicant will be subject to an Enhanced DBS check.

Map to School


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