Little Hallingbury C of E Primary School is a village school situated on the Hertfordshire & Essex border. Life and learning at Little Hallingbury has a strong Christian ethos, reflected in our Collective Worship, demonstrated in our shared values and lived out day-to-day in a caring, inclusive way. We have a strong link with our local church which is very supportive of our work.
At Little Hallingbury children are at the heart of everything we do. We want all our children to enjoy school, develop their knowledge, skills, talents and potential within a caring, nurturing environment. We want to learn together, grow together and celebrate each other’s achievements. In short, we seek to be a community where everyone’s uniqueness is valued and recognised.
From September 2016 the school became a Federation with St Mary's, Hatfield Broad Oak. The federation brings strength to two thriving village schools and communities. Both schools have retained their individuality and vision; and we all benefit from shared opportunities, expertise and collaboration.