Ladybird Kindergarten

☰ School Information

School Details

Headteacher:Chris Harvey

DFES Number:0




Little Warley & Childerditch Village Hall
Magpie Lane
Little Warley
CM13 3DZ

Telephone:01277 220207



About us Ladybird Kindergarten originally was set up in 1992 and provides care and education for children from the Village and surrounding areas. We are a small group with a maximum intake of 24 children from the age of 2 -5 years of age. At Ladybird we understand that young children thrive in an environment which is supportive,caring and stimulating and that children primarily learn through play and real life experiences. We aim to build the children’s confidence and self-esteem, thus laying the foundation for a successful and positive disposition for learning on an ongoing basis. The Pre-school environment, resources and experiences are planned in ways which empower children to seek meaning, find solutions and use creative thinking processes. We facilitate this with sensitive questioning, by offering practical support/advice and by supplying lots of praise and encouragement. Staff are qualified to Level 3 or above, and attend continuous training where their skills and knowledge and expertise is updated, enabling children to receive the best care and education.

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