Job Description
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Head of History
Main Pay Scale/ Upper Pay Scale
TLR2B (£5,658 pa)
Full time
September 2025
We are seeking a passionate History Teacher who is looking to gain leadership experience or an existing Middle Leader who would like a new challenge working within a thriving History department.
The History Department
We are a vibrant and committed department of specialist teachers. The department has good facilities, including a suite of 3 History rooms and a wide range of resources. The office has a separate working area for each teacher.
We have high academic expectations of our students and as a department willingly embrace new ideas and experiment with different teaching strategies as well as working very collaboratively to produce detailed schemes of work and assessments. We are committed to teaching a diverse range of histories with links to current scholarship. We benefit from corporate membership of the Historical Association.
KS3 History is taught in three years. Year 7 study 'Silk Roads, Conquest and Crusades c1000-c1200', 'Power and the people in the Middle Ages c1200-c1500' and 'Religion, Culture and Ideas in the 16th and 17th centuries'. Year 7 also includes a Local History study with a local field trip. In Year 8 students cover 'The Atlantic World, Empire and Industry c1600-c1850' and 'The Growth of Democracy c1780-1930' as well as an overview of environmental and climate History. In Year 9 students cover 'Assassination, War and Revolution c1900-1918', 'Dictatorship, war and persecution c1918-1945' and 'Fear, freedom and equality 1945-present' as well as an overview of disability over time.
We are a popular department and approximately two thirds of our students choose to study History for GCSE. We follow the Pearson (Edexcel) specification and cover the Cold War, 1941-91, the USA, conflict at home and abroad, 1954-75, Migrants in Britain c800-present day and Elizabethan England. At present, we average approximately 40 students at A-Level and they study Russia, 1917-91, Mao's China and Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII, 1399-1509, also following the Pearson (Edexcel) specification. We achieve outstanding results with 84% of our GCSE students gaining a grade 7 or above in 2024 and 91% of our A-Level students achieving grades A*- B in 2024.
- To liaise with colleagues within Westcliff High School for Girls and within the South East Essex Academy Trust to support strategic development, share good practice and plan collaborative activities.
- Uphold the school's values of Scholarship, Leadership, Enrichment, and Kindness.
- Ensure high quality teaching across the department.
- Raise student attainment.
- Maximise the learning experiences and achievement of students.
- Monitor and report on student progress.
- Plan and contribute to activities within the department.
- Undertake the role of Form Tutor, as required.
- Play a full part in the school and ensure that the vision and values of the school and the trust are upheld at all time.
- To be accountable for the highest standards of student achievement across the History department by monitoring, supporting and evaluating pupil achievement and setting targets for improvement.
- To be accountable for leading, developing and enhancing the teaching practice of all teachers of History, evaluating the quality of teaching and securing and sustaining effective teaching of History.
- To ensure all colleagues within the History department adapt lessons for students with SEND needs in relation to their IEP or via guidance given by the SENDCo.
- To lead the development of appropriate syllabi, resources, schemes of work, marking policies, assessment and teaching and learning strategies in the History department.
- To be accountable for the strategic direction, leadership and management of the History department, the development and implementation of History policies, plans, targets, and practices within the context of the school 's aims.
- To ensure the provision of an appropriately broad, balanced, and sequenced History curriculum that enables all students to make significant progress.
- To effectively line-manage and deploy teaching and support staff, and financial and physical resources within the History department to support the designated curriculum portfolio.
- To ensure the effective self-evaluation and progress of the History department in line with the School Development Plan.
- Lead and encourage staff to take active responsibility for their professional development within the department.
- Liaise with other middle leaders and teachers to share and collaborate in approaches that will support success across departments.
- Work with the Assistant Headteacher responsible for the area of History to ensure that the performance of staff is reviewed and celebrated, and that under-performance is addressed using informal and formal mechanisms.
- To keep up to date with national developments in History teaching practices and methodology.
- To make appropriate arrangements for classes during staff absence.
- To participate in the interview process for teaching posts when required and to ensure effective induction of new staff in line with school procedures.
- To be responsible for the day-to-day management of staff within the History department and act as a positive role model.
- To promote teamwork and to motivate staff to ensure effective working relations.
- To ensure the Behaviour Management Policy is implemented in the History department so that effective learning can take place and provide support to colleagues where necessary.
- To monitor pupil attendance together with pupils' progress and performance in relation to targets set for each individual; ensuring that follow-up procedures are adhered to, and that appropriate action is taken where necessary.
- To participate in the school's ITT programme.
- To play a full part in the life of the school community, to support its distinctive mission and ethos and to encourage staff and students to follow this example.
- Teach assigned students, ensuring a high-quality learning experience for all.
- Plan and prepare curriculum lessons in conjunction with school and departmental requirements and policies, including external syllabus requirements.
- Assist in the development of curriculum plans, syllabi, resources, schemes of work, and policies.
- Set and mark work in accordance with the school's assessment and marking procedures.
- Contribute to the review and quality assurance of curriculum plans as directed by senior leaders in the school.
- Contribute to the school and departmental improvement plans and their implementation.
- Maintain student records through the school's assessment procedures and use these to inform teaching.
- Where necessary, liaise with colleagues to ensure effective provision e.g. coteachers, associate support staff, trainee teachers.
- Communicate effectively with parents when required including during parent's consultation evenings.
- Collaborate and work with colleagues and other relevant professionals within and beyond the school effectively to promote a high quality of education for all students.
- Where necessary, collaborate with persons or bodies outside the school and participate in meetings arranged for the purposes of pupil progress.
- Initiate any necessary interventions to enable students to progress, including where relevant operating in line with a student's Individual Education Plan.
- Proactively seek opportunities to develop professional practice through further training opportunities.
- Undertake the role of form tutor, as required including the delivery of PDE resources.
- Liaise with school and Pastoral Leaders to ensure implementation of the school's pastoral system, for example strategies to promote attendance and behaviour.
- To participate in the life of the House System.
- Comply with any reasonable request from the Headteacher or other school leader to undertake work of a similar level that is not specified in this job description.
For further information and to apply please visit:
Information about the School
Westcliff High School for Girls is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects its entire staff to share this commitment. All post-holders working in our schools will be considered to work in Regulated Activity and will be required to have an Enhanced Disclosure from the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS). In line with Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance all shortlisted candidates may be subject to online searches that may include social media. For further information please contact